Travians Wiki
Welcome to the Travians Wiki Project
Currently Undergoing Renovation! Please bear with us, until we finish of all the finer details you expect from us!
Hello <player>, (yes, that's you!) I'm not exactly living on the fat of the land, but I am urgently looking for a successor to inherit my humble legacy (a house, a bed and a pig)
If you are interested: Come to me at once. In case you are not: Thanks a bunch, that'll leave our kind accursed forever.
Your uncle Horatio
P.S. That's not a joke, so hurry!
* Basic Principles
* Achievements
* Bonuses
* Resources
* Houses
* Furniture
* Quests
* Travians Maps
* Clubs
* Guilds
* News about the game
* Forum
* Rules, Terms and Conditions
* Admin
Site Map
page revision: 66, last edited: 25 Jun 2009 02:13